“Birds fly, fish swim, and children play”

-Gary landreth, Play therapy: the art of the relationship


what is play therapy?

Play is kids’ most natural form of communication. Toys are to kids what words are to adults. Play Therapy, like counseling for adults, lets kids express their feelings and process their experiences in order to develop more effective strategies for managing their worlds.

who is play therapy for?

I work with kids (3-8 yr old) and their families dealing with behavioral issues related to

  • Bullying

  • Grief and loss

  • Divorce or separation

  • Crisis

  • Trauma

or mental/physical health challenges such as

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Neurodiversity

  • Physical or learning disabilities

  • Academic or social impairment

  • Conduct disorders


For kids

For the adults that love them