About Me


Katrina Thatcher

Licensed Professional Counselor

Registered Play Therapist

Certified Child-Centered Play Therapist

I have a Master’s degree in Couple, Marriage and Family Counseling from Portland State University. I have received special training in Child-centered Play Therapy (CCPT) and Child-parent Relationship Training (CPRT); Interpersonal Neurobiology; play therapy with gifted and twice exceptional kids; play therapy for sensory processing challenges/disorders; gender affirming play therapy; and ReCTIFY: trauma-informed care and anti-racist training for clinicians.

I adore living in Portland. Having grown up in the Northwest, cloudy skies, mountains, and evergreens are the comforts home. On my days off, I’m often working in my yard/on house projects; heading to the ocean or mountain; and/or cozying up with a book.

Association for Play Therapy (APT)
Oregon Counseling Association (ORCA)
Oregon Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities (Oregon SAIGE)

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